Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Why a Pen is a Pen-According to Aristotle essays

Why a Pen is a Pen-According to Aristotle essays Why the Pen in Your Hand is a Pen Aristotle would agree that the pen in your hand is a pen. According to Aristotle everything is either a substance or an attribute, the pen in your hand is a substance. All substances consist of 2 Ontological moments, matter and form. An object must have matter and form to be accepted as a substance. A substances matter is what it is made of and the form is what makes the substance what it is, both of are needed to make the pen a pen. The matter of the pen is the ink, the plastic, and the ballpoint. The form of the pen is the penness. However, matter and form are not the only essentials Aristotle would use to support the fact that the pen in your hand is a pen. Aristotle Causes would also be used to verify the pens existence. These causes lead to the purpose of a substance. The first cause is known as the Material Cause, which deals with the matter of the substance. The Material Cause of the pen is ink, the plastic, and the ballpoint. The second cause is known as the Formal Cause, which deals with the form of the substance. The Formal Cause of the pen is penness. Both of these Causes make up the third Cause, which is known as the Efficient Cause. The Efficient Cause is the principle of motion or change. The person or machine that produced the pen Source: Looking at Philosophy (3rd Edition) by Donald Palmer (McGraw Hill, 2001) would be the Efficient Cause of the pen. The last Cause is called the Final Cause, this Cause deals with the purpose of a substance. The Final Cause of the pen is to be used for writing. These four causes along with the Ontological moments of a substance help lead to the conclusion that the pen in your hand is a pen. In conclusion the pen in your hand is a pen because it contains matter and form along with the essential causes that lead to its final purpose. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Top Easiest College Classes to Choose the Next Semester

Top Easiest College Classes to Choose the Next Semester Its not a secret that some of the college classes are easier than others. Such courses can be your â€Å"grade boosters† or allow you to make your studies less stressful. What are some easy classes to take in college? If you are looking for the list of easy college classes to boost your GPA, this article is just for you. 1. Film Studies/ Film History Film studies usually implies watching movies and analyzing them. Isnt this type of class that you would enjoy? We are sure you would. If there is something easier than watching a few movies a week for a course, tell us immediately. Anyway, film studies courses can bring you an easy A grade. 2. Creative Writing If you like making up stories or if you have a blog that you regularly write posts for, you will probably like the creative writing course. Creative writing is more about developing your imagination and creativity. Many students agree that this course is on the easy side and makes a great contrast to challenging classes in the schedule. You can read more about creative writing in our article. 3. Music or Art Appreciation Some students ask â€Å"What are some easy online college classes?† Art appreciation is not just an easy and exciting class but also one that you can take remotely. This class is all about different music genres and art movements and also about the history of their development. If you need to choose at least one course in arts, this one might be the best fit for you. It doesnt imply any challenging tests but a lot of interesting and exciting art objects to study. 4. Physical Education Physical education might be the easiest class ever. There are a lot of different activities that you can choose from. For example, yoga, aerobics or even archery. The majority of students like physical education as it is easy, fun and healthy. Its not surprising that we also included it into our list of  fun college classes that you would like to have in your weekly schedule. 5. Basic Anthropology For those who are interested in history, anthropology can become a real discovery. It is a class dedicated to social groups, civilizations, and cultures. Its not only very interesting but also very easy as it usually covers basic knowledge on the subject and doesnt require in-depth research from you. 6. Basic Psychology Basic psychology is also one of the classes that the majority of students find relaxing and very interesting to study. If your specialization doesnt imply in-depth psychology or sociology studying, this class is just what you need to have a general understanding of different processes in the human brain, human behavior, and character. It is one of the classes that will be legit useful for your daily life. Basic psychology can be suggested as one of the easy classes for college freshmen to choose without doubts. 7. Public Speaking This course is for everyone who is afraid of public performances and delivering speeches. Not only this class is easy but also very useful for your everyday life. It can help you improve your self-confidence and also  get rid of stage fright. This is the case when taking easy classes in college can be combined with actual benefit. 8. Foreign Language Introduction Studying a foreign language of your choice for one semester isnt that hard. You will start with an alphabet and basic words so this class will be relaxing compared to the rest of your classes. Eventually, even the basic knowledge of another language will add value to your resume in the future. You might even like the language so much that you will continue learning it after the class ends. How to Find Easy College Classes If you wonder how you can know for sure if the class that you are about to choose is easy or not, you might need to investigate the issue. Ask someone who has already taken this class or visit the forum dedicated to your learning institution. Students will definitely tell you if you should take the class or not. Another tip on choosing the easiest college courses is to make your choice and sign up as early as you can. Register when the majority of the places is not taken yet and you have plenty of options to choose from. In other cases, you will have to choose from what is left on the list. Of course, sometimes such unpopular courses turn out to be the easiest. We also have a list of the weirdest college courses ever existed: History of Furniture and Design (George Brown College) that basically implies learning about all the types of chairs and tables, fashion and styles. Elvish, the language of â€Å"Lord of the Rings† (The University of Wisconsin). Admit, you want to take that class to be able to talk to your friend without anyone understanding. Introduction to wines (Taylors University). Sounds too good to be true. Underwater Basket Weaving (Reed College). Wait, what? The History of Surfing (Kapiolani Community College). A course that will tell you about the exiting surfing facts. Or just surfing facts. Ice Cream Short Course (The Pennsylvania State College). Beware: you might need more than a short course. Tree Climbing (Cornell University). For those who want to improve this skill within a college program. The Art of Walking (University of San Francisco). Because you still dont know enough about how you need to walk. Philosophy and Star Trek (Georgetown University). For those who want to live long and prosper. The Joy of Garbage (Santa Clara University). A class that implies studying different types of garbage and methods of its recycling. Would you take some of these courses? Let us know! And dont forget that you need to take the courses that are interesting to you in the first place and which might come in handy in your life or work.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Darlie Routler murder case Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Darlie Routler murder case - Research Paper Example The death of her sons happened on the night of June 6, 1996. However, several loopholes are evident in the case history that might help Darlie in getting justice. These include murder weapon not traceable, crime scene being tempered badly before securing the place, motive could not be established, among others. However, police investigators argued that Darlie had self-inflicted stab wounds, while she wanted to get rid of her sons, as they did not like her lifestyle. Darlie had a new hope, as Texas Court of Criminal Appeals gave a ruling in June, 2008 for conducting new DNA tests, which could prove her claim of an intruder responsible for the double murder. The new DNA technology may throw fresh light on the evidences that relate to analysis of bloodstains on her nightshirt and socks of the boys. Introduction The case of Darlie Routier is intriguing in many ways, as investigators and prosecutors have not paid heed to the defense pleas for tracing of the missing murder weapon, which is supposed to be knife from the kitchen of Darlie. Although she was convicted for killing her two sons, based on the financial problems her family was facing, Darlie has petitioned before the Texas Criminal Court for retesting of blood samples using the latest DNA technology. The petition of appeals has requested the court to test the bloodstains from tube sock found in the alley, which was not tested earlier. Similarly, investigators had not tested other possible evidence earlier. These included bloodstains on the nightshirt worn by Darlie, blood swabs present on the butcher’s knife in the kitchen of Darlie. While prosecutors had assumed it to be the murder weapon, the testing was not done on this evidence earlier. In addition, there are many loopholes in this case, which may need further investigation, as the court has agreed for DNA retesting. (Direct appeal, 2008) Further to the above, The Texas Criminal Court has laid down, in its order of 13 April 2012, the exact procedu re to be followed for conducting the new DNA tests at the Department of Public Safety Laboratory in Austin, Texas.(Order, 2012) Case Summery and Overview In the absence of any established motive and eyewitness, the case remains a mystery. This is further complicated by the fact that Darlie has continuously denied the charge. However, the fifteen-second â€Å"Silly String† tape, as recorded by a local news station could not establish her innocence. Media had accused Darlie of using sex toys, taking drugs and child abuse. Nevertheless, no evidence could be established to prove these charges. While State prosecutors found it easier to present such arguments to the jury, family and friends describe Darlie as a compassionate female, who cares for her family and others. (The Darlie Routier Case, nd) Prosecution may not be right The police investigation has been doubtful. While only 400 out of total 1000 photos taken from the crime scene were allowed for examination by the defense, the remaining 600 photos had evidence of trampled blood and tempered blood stained items like blankets. There are blood fingerprints of the alleged intruder at the exit along with blood prints on boots that did not belong to any police person. In addition, a sock having a boy’s blood print was found 75 yards away from the home of Darlie. The answer to the question of sock reaching

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Fed Acts to Fix Jobs Market Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fed Acts to Fix Jobs Market - Article Example Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, this move would urge the people to spend more in buying commodities, investments and exports. The Federal Reserve has given its commitment to this program until the job market scenario in the US improves. This move has resulted in heavy investments in the stock market, gold and other such assets and the Dow Jones average for industries reached a new high after a similar rise in 2007. However, this announcement has resulted in a price hike for basic commodities such as oil that has created unease among the people who fear an impending rise in basic essentials. Though the present program is considerably less compared to the $1.25 trillion and $600 billion bond-buying programs which were launched in 2009 and 2010 respectively, the Federal Reserve has further announced that the current program could be extended to buy agency-mortgage securities and other assets if no major improvement is seen in the job market. Though this move has been criticized as being less aggressive by academics and economists, the central bank chairman has argued that the Federal Reserve is doing its best to stimulate the economy and also the present program could be further extended if and when required. The Federal Reserve has mainly aimed its program on those who have been out of employment and are in need of economic security until they find employment. In his address to the media, Mr. Bernanke noted that the longer people are out of work the harder it is to find another job as their work experience is at stake. The central bank has also announced that it would co ntinue its Operation Twist program through which it would buy treasury bonds amounting to $45 billion every month which will be used to fund the mortgage purchases. And if the economic situation does not improve significantly it has proposed to purchase treasury bonds through money printing in addition to purchasing mortgages. In addition it also plans to keep short-term

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Theoretical Frameworks or Perspectives in Psychology Essay Example for Free

Theoretical Frameworks or Perspectives in Psychology Essay Initially psychology was developed using the mental thinking expressed by persons interested in developing the subject of psychology. But John B. Watson differed from that approach and he pioneered the approach in which visible behavior and visible environmental stimulus became the subject of study. B. F. Skinner developed this behavioristic framework further by bringing in the contingent environmental consequences. Behavior is not the outcome of stimulus alone, but it is an outcome determined by the stimulus as well as the contingent environmental consequences of a behavior. This means, there are alternative behaviors for the same stimulus and which behavior is exhibited by a person depends on expected environmental consequences. Cognitive perspective on psychology have developed by arguing that human beings are capable of thinking and concepts related to thinking must be brought into the subject of psychology whose objective is to explain behavior. Even though, one cannot see or observe thinking, still developing concepts related to thinking and using the concepts to explain behavior is required in psychology. Even though one cannot see or observe gravitation, the concept of gravitation is a useful concept in physics. Similarly, concepts related to thinking or cognition are to be developed and used in psychology was the argument of propopents of congitive approach to psychology. The perspectives in psychology have influenced the development of organizational behavior. Cognitive Framework Cognitive approach emphasizes the positive and freewill aspects of human behavior and uses concepts such as expectancy, demand, and intention. Cognition can be simply defined as the act of knowing an item of information. In cognitive framework, cognitions precede behavior and constitute input into the person’s thinking, perception, problem solving, and information processing. The work of Edward Tolman can be used to represent the cognitive theoretical approach. According to Tolman, learning consists of the expectancy that a particular event will lead to a particular consequence. This cognitive concept of expectancy implies that organism is thinking about, or is conscious or aware of the goal and result of a behavior exhibited by it. It means that a person desires a goal and also knows the behavior that will lead to achievement of the goals. In the subject of organizational behavior, cognitive approach dominates the units of analysis such as perception, personality and attitudes, motivation, behavioral decision making and goal setting. Behavioristic Framework Pioneer behaviorists Ivan Pavlov and Jon B. Watson stressed the importance of studying observable behaviors instead of the elusive mind. They advocated that behavior could be best understood in terms of stimulus and response (S-R). They examined the impact of stimulus and felt that learning occurred when the S-R connection was made. Modern behaviorism, that marks its beginning with B. F. Skinner, advocates that behavior in response to a stimulus is contingent on environmental consequences. Thus, it is important to note that behaviortistic approach is based on observable behavior and environmental variables (which are also observable). Social Cognitive Framework Social learning theory takes the position that behavior can best be explained in terms of a continuous reciprocal interaction among cognitive, behavioral, and environmental determinants. The person and the environmental situation do not function as independent units but, in conjunction with behavior itself, reciprocally interact to determine behavior. It means that cognitive variables and environmental variables are relevant, but the experiences generated by previous behavior also partly determine what a person becomes and can do, which, in turn, affects subsequently behavior. A persons cognition or understanding changes according to the experience of consequences of past behavior. Bandura developed social learning theory into the more comprehensive social cognitive theory (SCT). Stajkovic and Luthans have translated this SCT into the theoretical framework for organizational behavior. Social cognitive theory recognizes the importance of behaviorism’s contingent environmental consequences, but also includes cognitive processes of self regulation. The social part acknowledges the social origins of much of human thought and action (what individual learns from society), whereas the cognitive portion recognizes the influential contribution of thought processes to human motivation, attitudes, and action. In social cognitive theoretical framework, organizational participants are at the same time both products and producers of their personality, respective environments, and behaviors. The participants as a group of produce the environment, every individual is a product of the enironment and through his behavior changes the environment for others as well as for himself, every individual is a product of his personality, but also influences his personality as consequence of results of his behavior.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Evolution of the Keyboard Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Physical Evolution of the Keyboard: From Monochord to Harpsichord Since the first person heard the wind whistle through the trees or the sea in a seashell humans have been drawn to sound. Being the oppressive and ingenious species that we are we felt the need to capture these sounds and any others that we could to keep for our own. Eventually people like Pythagoras and gods such as Apollo found that by stretching materials and picking/plucking them that they would produce sounds and that the tighter you stretched these strings the higher the sound would go. These were the early beginnings of the pianoforte.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first ancestor of the modern pianoforte is the monochord (diagram 1). A monochord is a wooden box with a single string stretched lengthwise down the middle. The string sits raised on bridges very dissimilar to those of a violin or cello. These bridges positioned approximately 2 inches in from each end. They are simple and usually triangular shaped pieces of hard durable material such as ebony or walnut. Between these two bridges are two taller bridges that may be moved by each hand to alter the pitch given. The philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras used a monochord to study the fundamentals of sound. The next logical step in this evolutionary chain was as sure as a spoiled child’s demands. Now that I have what I want I want more of it. Thus came the psaltery (diagram 2). The psaltery was a great leap fourth from the monochord. It was a small trapezoid shaped box with many strings stretched over it. However unlike the monochord the psaltery did not have movable bridges to change the pitch while playing and furthermore these bridges were much more like the bridges of modern string instruments. The psaltery was played by picking the strings (which were obviously tuned to different pitches) with the fingers or with a pick. This was an extremely popular instrument in the Middle Ages but as the music got more complicated and simple accompaniment wasn’t enough it was soon swallowed by progress.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Next we come to a point in time where a great leap had to be made. Musicians had made positive steps forward in the way of pitch and time but of only one or two notes at a time. What was needed was an in instrument that gave players control of many pitches simultaneously. The mechanism ... ...;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York, NY: Crown Pub. Inc., 1973.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Donnington, R. Music and its Instruments   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York, NY: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1982.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gaines, James R., Ed. The Lives of the Piano   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York, NY: The Hilltown Press Inc., 1981.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mason, Merle H., Comp. Piano Parts and Their Functions   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Seattle, WA: Piano Technicians Guild, 1977.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pollens, S. The Early Pianoforte   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1995.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stolba, Marie K. The Development of Western Music   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rev. Ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Comp., 1998.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  White, William B. Theory & Practice of Piano Construction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1975.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Somputer technology Essay

In modern days, computer technology plays a significant role in our lives. It helps businesses and institutions to provide better services and faster transactions with their clients and customers. Most of the companies are using a computerized-based information system that satisfy the needs and improves the quality of their business. This information system is used to pass information throughout an organization accordingly and help them to access the files in an easy way. Technology is widely used in this generation, that is why using manual system is no longer applicable especially in storing confidential and important records and files. Unfortunately, we discover that along the little institutions like clinics, manual system were still implemented. Because of that ,we have learned that most of them suffered from different problems such as lacking of back-up records of their patients, difficulty in finding files and records, consuming time in manually listing the information of the patients and using a low technology equipment for their records such as logbooks. As a system analyst, we wanted to help a company to improve the quality of their business and solve the present problems they encountered. We have found out that Health Alert Medical and Diagnostic Center in Taytay, Rizal was encountering the said problems above in their clinic. Our aim is to provide them a computerized information system that can help them lessen patient’s waiting time and create a database that would serve as their back-up for the patient’s file and records.These system will be efficient and effective to use compare to the manual system they are using and can satisfy the needs of thier company.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Jesse Owens: The Silent Movement

When America typically thinks about black athletes, they think of the great ones like Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Jackie Robinson, and others in that category. One athlete that is over looked is the great Jesse Owens. It might be that he did not participate in a popular sport like basketball, football or baseball, but he was an exceptionally fast on the track and overcame racial adversity. Jesse Owens impacted athletic world in a positive way throughout his life. From his time at Ohio State to the Olympics the very next year, he was a positive role model and a humble human being when he won.Jesse Owens came from small town folks and that made him who he was during his lifetime in having a good set of core values. With the help of role models throughout Jesse Owens’s life, he showed restraint in not acting out against the racial prejudice, while still dominating the track and field world in the 1930’s. The childhood of Jesse Owens made him to be the man he was during h is college career due to how little Jesse had. Owens was born on September 12, 1913 of Henry and Emma Owens in the little town of Oakville, Alabama.Little did they know that their newborn baby would become one of the greatest track and field athletes to walk the face of the earth. Owens was a sick child and suffered from chronic bronchial congestion because his family was poor and could not properly feed everyone in the family, and they had a lack of heat in the winter. Aside from all the physical problems Owens faced, the racial prejudice that Jesse was born into took a mental toll on him. All of the poverty and destruction that Owens saw made him appreciate and become sensitive to adult success and how important that would become in his life.Later in life Owens would always show a smile when he won and agreed with what the newspapers said about him. Owens once said to an interviewer, â€Å"I try awfully hard for people to like me,† This shows that his childhood experiences positively reinforced his view on success and what it represents to him in life. His early years in Alabama laid the foundation for his success later in life. Young male adolescences are susceptible to a role model or mentor in their life that will immensely impact them on who they grow up to be.Years later Owens moved on to Fairmount Junior High School where it is argued that his track career started and this is where Owens met Charles Riley. Riley was the gym teacher at Owens’s school and Jesse looked up to Riley as a father figure. People would say things about Riley being white and coaching a black teenager but neither Owens nor Riley saw race, they only saw each other as a team on the track. They began to have track practice every morning before school for an hour and by the eighth grade Jesse was participating in junior high track meets.At first Owens’s running form was strained and he had very bad facial expressions due to lack of proper training. Riley coached him to be more fluid and that determination came from the inside of oneself and not from the public around him. This was a major turning point in the track and field career of Owens. Owens learned not to see color at an early age and Charles Riley was the main contributor to that and this shaped Owens into the man that he was. Owens was soon turning into a young man and he was making vast improvements in his speed.Riley timed Owens in the 100 yard dash and he clocked Owens in eleven seconds flat. He did not believe what the watch was telling him so he went and found another watch and clocked Owens at the same time. This proved the fact that Riley had found a very gifted athlete that everyone was searching for and he is teaching him to become a man with values that will help him in the rest of his life. The first records that Owens set were in 1928 when he jumped six feet in the high jump and twenty two and eleven inches in the long jump.Riley then began to tell Owens that he needed to keep training for the next four years. That was Riley’s motto, â€Å"Train for four years from next Friday†. Owens did just this and started perfecting his technique and bettering his consistency during races. The smooth, fluid form of running that is a trademark of Jesse Owens came directly from the training of Charles Riley. While Owens was progressing through his running, he was faced with racial judgment by having a white coach again. People would make judgments on how a white man could never make something out of a black man.Owens and his coach never talked about racial issues because they did not see race, they only saw a partnership on the track. Jesse once said about Riley, â€Å"He trained me to become a man as well as an athlete†¦Coach Riley taught me to behave. His influence on me and many other boys kept us out of trouble. Without his guidance, we could very easily have become wards of the state. † Charles Riley was a father figure to Owens a nd all that Riley taught Owens directly influenced Owens’s future in track and field in a constructive way. After Jesse’s first intercollegiate competition, he sent the watch he won to Charles Riley.This proves that Jesse did not see race color in his coach and mentor and that Owens has grown into a man that does not forget how he got to where he was in his success. Jesse Owens’s success kept on the upward sloping curve once he entered at East Tech High School. Charles Riley became an assistant coach at East Tech High School where Jesse Owens attended. The media described Owens as â€Å"’one-man team,’ ‘a marvel,’ ‘the outstanding individual track man in northeastern Ohio. ’† In the summer coming out of his sophomore year, Owens over estimated his abilities when he tried out for the United States Olympic team.Owens did not make it past the Midwestern preliminaries in Evanston and he then began to read about the four black athletes that did make it to the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. Eddie Tolan, Ralph Metcalfe, Edward Gordon, and Cornelius Johnson were the four black athletes that would pave the way to a new era for the black athlete. These four would go on to win three gold medals, one silver medal and bronze medal. This would fuel Owens to achieve what these four athletes just did in front of a world stage. After the 1932 Olympics several European athletes held track meet in Cleveland for local talent and Olympians.This track event proved to be a boost of confidence for the young and upcoming Jesse Owens as he took first in the 100-meter and 200-meter races and placed second in the long jump to the Olympic gold medalist Edward Gordon. This meet helped Jesse in more ways than one. In Owens’s senior track season he never suffered a loss and he also set the long jump record of high school boys at 24 feet 3 and ? inches. The attention was always on Owens at track meets no matter what eve nt he was in and took the spotlight from other racers. This was new to the world because of Owens’s skin color.The world had never paid this much attention to a black athlete. To finish off his high school career at the national Interscholastic Championship meet, Owens won the long jump, set a new world record of 20. 7 seconds in the 220 yard dash, and tied the world record in the 100 yard dash with a time of 9. 4 seconds. East Tech High School won the meet with a total point count of fifty four and Jesse was responsible for thirty of those points. After all of Jesse Owens’s success throughout his astonishing high school career, he had a dilemma on what his next step in life would be and who would lead him on the right path.During this time Ohio State was known for black prejudice and racial policies. This decision to attend Ohio State was debated by the press on a daily basis. Headlines read, â€Å"He will be an asset to any school, so why help advertise an instituti on that majors in prejudice†. Owens was not fazed by these editorials and continued on to attend Ohio State University and become the Buckeye Bullet. Charles Riley still played an important role in Jesse’s life and took Jesse to two track meets in Canada where Owens took first in the 100 meter dash.Jesse had not lost any pace over the summer and had shown that he will only continue to get better throughout his college career. Despite all of the success by being trained by Charles Riley, Owens’s college track coach, Larry Synder, was not happy with the form at which Owens ran. Synder began tweaking all of Jesse’s movements while he ran. All of this change would not hurt Owens in the long run and Jesse would see the benefits soon in his college track career. After all of the years with Charles Riley, Owens has found another mentor to help him on his path to being man.Synder would prove to be a great successor to Riley in Owens’s life. Owens’s c ollege experiences concerning racial injustices would help Owens in the future when he is faced with racial problems. Back in the 1930’s the United States still faced racial injustices in parts of the country and even at Ohio State this was no different. Due to the decline in the economy in 1929, Ohio State had to cut down on staff on lack of funds. This made the teacher to student ratio too large to accommodate Owens’s needs in the classroom and this led to Jesse not receiving good grades.Also there was a shortage of dormitories for students. The White students were assigned to the dorms; Owens had to room a half mile away from campus in an apartment with three other black athletes. This is some of the issues that Jesse had to overcome in order for him become successful. Another issue that Owens had to face was that he was not able to compete in some of the meets his freshman year due to academics and an ankle injury. At a dual meet Owens set a new Ohio State record a t the long Jump and in the 120 yard sprint. Larry Synder described Owens as a golden future for Ohio State’s track future.At the Big Ten Freshman meet in Columbus, Owens won all three events that he entered. He set new records in the 100-yard dash at 9. 6 seconds, 220-yard sprint in 21 seconds flat and a long jump distance of 24 feet and 10 inches. This success continued on to his sophomore year. In Owens’s first Big Ten varsity meet he won three out of his four events. This was a tremendous accomplishment for the young man and a rung on his ladder to success. Anyone concerned in the track and field world would never forget the day of May 25, 1935 in Ann Arbor, Michigan and neither would Jesse Owens.On this spectacular day Owens broke three world records and tied another within the time of an hour. He broke the world records in the 220-yard sprint, 220-yard low hurdle, long jump and tied the world record in the 100-yard dash. The next day in a Cleveland news paper it r ead, â€Å"the 12,000 spectators were alternately stunned into silence and then moved to tremendous salvos of applause when the Buckeye ace staged his almost unbelievable show†. Despite all of the racial troubles during those times, Jesses’ old, white track coach Charles sat in the stand and cried while Owens performed that day.This shows that people saw past color and just admired the person on the inside. Despite all of Owens’s success, his toughest times in life were just around the corner. Jesse Owens has always held his head when ever questioned about his views on racial discrimination around the world, but when the 1936 Berlin Olympics came around Owens was in no position not to say anything and finally spoke out. This is the only time that Owens ever verbally spoke against racial problems. In a short radio interview in November Jesse said, â€Å"if there is discrimination against minorities in Germany then we must withdraw from the Olympics. After all of the years of not speaking out, Owens finally spoke what he believed needed to be said. Once Larry Synder heard about this he strongly encouraged Owens to refrain from taking a side on the matter because Owens was on top of the world right now in the track and field world. The black press really dissected what Synder said to Owens and all the controversy that it brought upon Owens. The black press was then confronted by Synder and why they did not cover the story about the Sugar Bowl Meet in New Orleans.Jesse Owens and other black athletes were not invited to the sugar bowl, but yet no one was suggesting that those games be cancelled like the Berlin games. Synder commented on the issue, â€Å"Why should we oppose Germany for doing something that we do right here at home? † This comment by Synder really opened the eyes of the American people on the issue of discrimination in athletics. During the indoor track season Owens and his black teammates were denied admittance to resta urants. This is the real life discrimination that Owens finally faced.During all of these challenging times for Owens, he held his head high and tried to be the best man that he could he could be. With all of these racial distractions around Owens, he still had a job and that was to continue to be as fast as he could to win the Olympics in Berlin. Despite the slow start in Owens’s junior season at Ohio State in the indoor portion, he took off in the spring due to his hard work and determination. During the season Owens ran in five consecutive meets and broke world, conference or local records in all of them. It seemed as if Owens was unstoppable and no one would be able to compete on the level that he was on.Ten black athletes made the Olympic team for track and field and would later be called the â€Å"Black Auxiliaries†. All of these black competitors would prove to be superior over their competition at Berlin. With all of the excitement towards the Olympics and what it holds, it was still during the great depression and funding for the Olympics was not on top of the list. Most of the spending was raised by colleges and similar organizations and even exhibition events were held in Europe to ensure that the United States track and field team would be in Berlin to compete with the world’s best.According to Owens, while on the boat ride over to Europe, senior black athletes had meeting saying that they were going to the Olympics to run and jump, not to debate politics. It did not help that during the opening ceremonies everyone in the stands rose and gave the â€Å"Heil Hitler† salute and the Nazi symbol dominated the scene as did German pride. This would not faze Owens and he kept concentrated on his goal of winning multiple gold medals. Owens would show his displeasure with the Hitler’s views of Aryan race superiority by winning four gold medals.Jesse Owens had become an amazing man in his talents on the track and the way he presents himself off the track as well in not acting out to the race problems at college. These traits would be seen throughout the Olympics. To prepare for the Olympics, Herr Hitler made the grounds as beautiful as it was possible. He spent great amounts of money to upgrade the image of Germany during the time the games were held. The political controversy started on the first day of the games with Hitler shaking hands with two German gold medalists and the Finish team that finished first, second, and third.But When Owens’s teammate Cornelius Johnson won the high jump Hitler was nowhere to be found. Did Herr Hitler leave because Johnson just proved his Nordic supremacy and Aryan aristocracy theory wrong? Many feel this is the case, but according to officials Herr Hitler was scheduled to leave at the time he did. When Cornelius saw that Herr Hitler was leaving he just smiled and grinned as the first day of the track and field came to a close. The feature event for the track and field competition was hands down the 100-meter and Owens was in no mood to disappoint the crowd.In the semi-finals for the 100-meter Owens broke the world record with a time of 10. 2 seconds but was soon dismissed due to a back wind. To put a nail in the coffin for Herr Hitler’s Aryan views, two African Americans took first and second in the 100-meter sprint. It was Owens who won first and Metcalfe who took second. This would be the first of four gold medals for the young Jesse Owens. The day after is now known as Black Tuesday due the qualify heats that Owens and two other African American teammates dominated. Owens usually excelled at the long jump, but he cut it very close in his qualifying.He scratched his first two attempts to qualify for the finals. On his final qualifying attempt he soared to an astonishing twenty six feet. It was the first time that anyone had ever jumped twenty six feet. Owens was used to breaking records and just looked to improve on his next ju mps. On Owens’s last and final jump he cleared an unheard of distance of twenty-six feet and five inches. This broke both the Olympic and World records. An Olympic record had been broken twice in one day by an African American and Hitler could not do anything to stop it.The World is finally seeing what African American athletes are capable of. Jesse easily won his third Gold medal in the 200-meter sprint with a world record time of 20. 7 seconds. He won the crowd over with his third medal, but he would never win over Herr Hitler. The fourth and final Medal for Owens would come on the 400-meter relay team. Normally Owens did not this event, but due to an injury on the team Jesse was nominated by his teammates to run and that is exactly what Jesse did. The American team Soared to victory over the other competitors.The â€Å"Black Auxiliaries† were running away with most of the medals for the United States track and field team with six out of ten medals. This Olympics wou ld go down in history for political reasons concerning the Aryan race and for the records Owens broke. Owens had overcome much adversary in his life and the Olympics were what he strived for his whole life. Jesse Owens is one of America’s greatest athletes and will always be remembered for his triumphs at the 1936 Berlin Olympics winning four Gold Medals.Owens did not have the easiest road to his success because of political, legal and health problems, but he fought through them with prosperity. His various role models in life including Charles Riley, Ralf Metcalfe and Larry Snyder helped Owens overcome the racial injustices of the time and molded Owens in to the great runner he was. Owens later in life died in March of 1980 due to lung Cancer. From the small town in Alabama, to the great Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany, Jesse Owens was an amazing athlete and just as amazing individual.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Scientific method Essay Example

Scientific method Essay Example Scientific method Essay Scientific method Essay In todays society we use science without even knowing it, because we dont relate what we do, where we go, and things that happen to science much less how the scientific method is used in everyday life. The scientific method gives us a precise answer to investigative questions and precise aanswers to those questions. Because of science our children and grandchildren will study the findings in our research of our day and learning more scientist study the world around them. There are 5 steps to the scientific method: . Make observations. 2. Propose a hypothesis. 3. Design and perform an experiment to test the hypothesis. 4. Analyze your data to determine whether to accept or reject the hypothesis. 5. If necessary, propose and test a new hypothesis. By using these steps we can make accurate conclusions instead of assumptions form the discovery of DNA February 28, 1953, by Watson and Crick who made history at Cambridge University in the Cavendish Laboratory. Its because of this discovery that cold case files have been closed and the criminal behind bars and the families can be at rest now. This pressure stems from the action common in childhood and adolescence that one works with friends, rather than the reality of adult life in which one is not necessarily friends with coworkers (Cohen, 1994). Teachers may even feel that secondary students will be rebellious if they are forced to work in groups that are not of their own choosing (Cohen, 1994). When teachers grapple with this question, they confront a decisive and determining factor of successful cooperative learning and the complications that may arise in classroom settings. In a recent casebook for teachers about group work in the lassoer, 38% of the cases concerned difficulties teachers face creating groups (Sultan, Alton, Whitlock, 1998). When assigning group work, teachers must decide whether to allow students to form their own groups or whether to place students in groups through either a random or systematic allocation process. Prior research has examined how these approaches for corning groups affect the group experience by comparing grades on projects, tests, and exams (e. G. Leek 1999; Mightiest 2002; van deer Alan Smith and Spindle 2007; Swanson et al 1998), by analyzing student responses to questionnaires e. G. , Chapman et al 2006; Oddball et al 2007), and by synthesizing findings in prior psychology and organizational behavior research (e. G. , Bryant and Labeling 20060). The objectives of all this group work in a classroom setting are that students will (a) learn the importance of the four Cos of teamworkcommunication, collaboration, coope ration, and compromise (Kitchenware, 1997) and (b) be better prepared to enter the group-oriented workplace. However, using group projects in a class can also have significant drawbacks (e. G. Ashram, 2004; Bator,Wallboard, Krishna, 1997; Comer, 995). Common problems with group projects include free riders (I. E. , students who do not do the work but get credit because of the teams efforts), grade inflation because of some students getting higher grades than normal, lack of exposure to all aspects of a project, and difficulties related to group dynamics. To avoid many of the pitfalls of group projects, instructors should make every effort to structure, implement, and control group projects in an extremely intentional and well-thought- out manner (Chapman Van Oaken, 2001). Most teachers use one of two methods to sign students to groups: students select their own group members or the teacher forms students to groups. A teacher might form a group to practice self monitoring with a group of students. We understand the concern with group works. And seawater. We agree that group works are difficult to do. As always, it is up to the teacher to implement the program in a manner that is engaging and will allow for all students to be successful. Appear to first select friends to work with, not Just acquaintances, and then, if necessary, make additions to the group based on someones seating proximity or by adding students who are known as good group members. It is an informal primary group of students who share a similar or equal status. Members of a particular group often have similar interests and backgrounds, bonded by the premise of sameness. It is quite easy for the teacher to administer, and some evidence suggests that it may lead to better group dynamics and outcomes (e. G. , Bacon, Stewart, Silver, 1999; Mellow, 1993; Strong Anderson, 1990). This research paper will show if the students of Notre Dame of Greater Manila will be more successful if the teacher will Oromo their group, or if the students will let the students to form their own group. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK: The basis for determining whether which of one the two formed groups is more preferred by the students is by conducting a survey. This study aims to know the effectiveness of choosing our own group mates or the choice of teacher. Specifically, it aims to answer the if. Questions: What is the difference if the students or the teachers will choose the group members? What are the advantages and disadvantages if: a. The students will choose their group? B. The teacher will choose their group? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The choice of group mates is a very important factor in accomplishing a project. Cooperation should always exist between group members in order to produce good results. This will only happen if the members have good relationships with each other. Usually, friends are the ones comfortable with each other. Having friends as group mates will surely fit in to this criterion. However, friends may tend to be distracted in making the project. Having the teacher choose ones group mates may also be considered so that the intelligent students in the class may be distributed to efferent groups. This will ensure that all groups will have a leader/ guide in making the project. Many other factors should be looked at in order to determine which is really more effective. It is therefore imperative to establish whether having friends as group mates is more effective or not. The aim of this research is to determine the opinions of the two parties involved in this problem, the teachers and the students. These opinions will be crucial in the conclusion that will be made regarding the problem. The results of this research may be given to the teachers so that they will eave a basis for the decisions that they will make in assigning group members. In this study, questionnaires will be used to determine the advantages and disadvantages of having friends as group mates. The questionnaires will consist of ten questions. The types of questions that will be used are: multiple choice, yes or no, and free response. These will help the researchers assess the effectiveness of choosing ones own group mates. The population will be composed of both male and female students of section Mark. Also, interviews will be conducted in order to determine the opinions of the teachers which are also involved in this problem. Their stand on this will be an important factor since they are the ones who actually see the results of the projects produced by the groups. In this part, the population will consist of 2 male and 2 female teachers of section Mark. The limitation of this research is that it will be only applicable to section Mark since the population of both the survey and the interviews are composed of students and teachers only of the said section. Further studies which may consist of a larger population may be inducted in order to state a conclusion which will be applicable to all high school students. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Groupings a planned arrangement of things, people, etc. , within a group 2. Group mate A person with whom one is in close association; an associate. . Interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee. 4. Opinion is a subjective belief, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts. An opinion may be supported by an argument, although people may draw opposing pinions from the same set of facts. Opinions rarely change without new arguments being presented. 5. Population is all the organisms that both belong to the same species and live in the same geographical area. The area that is used to define the population is such that inter-breeding is possible between any pair within the area and more probable than cross-breeding with individuals from other areas. Other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case. . Research can be defined as the search for knowledge, or as any systematic investigation, with an open mind, to establish novel facts, solve new or existing problems, prove new ideas, or develop new theories, usually using a scientific method. The primary purpose for basic research is discovering, interpreting, and the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe. 8. Survey is a method used to collect in a systematic way, information from a sample of individuals.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

U.S. States With No Income Tax

U.S. States With No Income Tax While individuals and businesses in all 50 states pay federal income tax, residents in 41 states also pay state income tax. Seven states have no state income tax  at all: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. In addition, the states of New Hampshire and Tennessee tax only the interest and dividend income of their residents gained from financial investments.   Of particular interests to retired persons or those nearing retirement, while federal taxes still apply, there is no additional state income tax on Social Security benefits, withdrawals from IRAs and 401(k)s, and payouts from pensions in these nine states. State income tax is typically based on the taxable income or adjusted gross income reported on the taxpayers annual federal income tax return. Key Takeaways The states of Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming do not tax the incomes of their residents.The states of New Hampshire and Tennessee tax only income from interest, dividends, and financial investments.Due to the needs of these nine states to provide services and maintain infrastructure, other non-income taxes, such as sales taxes, property taxes, and fuel taxes can be higher than in states with income tax. Not Always Cheaper to Live There The fact that a state does not have an income tax does not necessarily mean that its residents pay less in taxes than residents of states with an income tax. All states must generate revenue and they do so through various taxes including income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, license taxes, fuel taxes, and estate and inheritance taxes, just to name a few. In states without state income tax, higher sales, property and other assorted taxes can exceed the annual cost of a state income tax. For example, all states except Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon currently charge sales tax. Food, clothing,  and prescription drugs are exempt from sales tax in most states. In addition to states; cities, counties, school districts, and other jurisdictions impose real estate and sales taxes. For cities that do not sell their own utilities, like electricity and water, these taxes represent their main source of revenue. Still, it is worth noting that during 2006 and 2007, the seven states with no income tax whatsoever, Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming, led the nation in net population growth. However, the nonpartisan  Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has reported  that a states income taxes have little influence over whether people ultimately decide to live there. How Do These States Get By Without Income Tax? Without revenue from income tax, how do these states pay for the basic functions of government? Simple: their citizens eat, wear clothes, smoke, drink alcohol, and pump gasoline into their cars. All of these and more goods are taxed by most states. Even states with income tax tend to tax goods and services in order to reduce their income tax rates. In states without an income tax, sales taxes and other fees, such as vehicle registration fees, tend to be higher than in states with income tax. For example, Tennessee, where only investment income is taxed, has the highest sales tax in America. When combined with local sales taxes, Tennessee’s 7% state sales tax results in a combined effective sales tax rate of 9.45%, according to the independent and bipartisan Tax Foundation. That’s more than twice the combined sales tax rate in tourist-laden Hawaii. In Washington, gasoline prices are usually among the highest in the nation, largely due to its gasoline tax. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Washington’s gas tax, at 37.5 cents per gallon, is the fifth-highest in the country. Non-income states of Texas and Nevada also have higher-than-average sales taxes, and according to the Tax Foundation, Texas also has higher-than-average effective property tax rates.   And So, Higher Costs of Living for Some Those extra taxes help to result in higher-than-average costs of living in some of the non-income tax states. Data from the independent Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness, Florida, South Dakota, Washington, and New Hampshire all have higher than the median costs of living than in most states with an income tax. So the bottom line is that there is just not enough concrete evidence to say whether or not it is really cheaper to live in a state with no income tax.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Argumentation research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Argumentation - Research Paper Example This dichotomy causes large debates over the discourse of Hip Hop in the society. Hip Hop uses a very violent language that many people find inappropriate. Indeed, the first performers used to mainly employ lyrics portraying young blacks killing police officers. This violent speech finds many detractors and causes much debate in the media and the society in general. However, with the new revolution, the violent narratives shifted from killing police men to killing other blacks. Despite this change in perspectives, the violent rhetoric is still present as artists depict the killings between black gangs and their journey in prison cells. Jeffrey Ogbar reveals that the change in the narratives decreases the negative stereotypes of blacks and that the lyrics represent not only an artistic expression but also some realities (98). Even though the new Hip Hop revolution does not portray anymore the killings of police officers, it still depicts another form of violence. Many people still fin d their language offensive because the lyrics expose much violence regardless of what form it takes. In addition to the violent language deemed shocking for most, the derogatory narratives directed towards women also cause much frustration and generate large debates. Actually, Black women find the lyrics in Hip Hop about them highly offensive. This article informs: â€Å"The countless negative portrayals of Black women in hip-hop videos and song lyrics could be compiled on a very long list. And yet to some, it’s taken a long time to engage the Black community in a serious discourse about the more divisive, derisive aspects of hip-hop music and culture† (Keels). This anger generated by these lyrics creates a deep crisis in the black community since women see these performers as mainly interested in money but not in the image of their community. Black women severely criticize the language used in Hip Hop that does not encourage good behavior or even reflect good morals. The lyrics about violence, drugs and sex make these women worried, especially because children tend to view these artists as role models. The author adds: â€Å"Women express their deep mconcern about the emergence of gangsta rap and its lyrics that flagrantly glorified thuggery, violence, drug abuse and vile, demeaning attitudes about and actions towards women, especially African-Americans† (Keels). The language used to portray Black women makes them very frustrated as they become the target of groups that violate their privacy and their integrity through very offensive lyrics. Furthermore, some language used in Hip Hop has also been found mostly derogatory by both white and black people. For instance, the word â€Å"nigger† that reflects a vey painful past characterized by slavery and racial segregation was almost banished from vocabulary but has been reestablished in Hip Hop language. The use of the word in Hip Hop clips and videos creates both frustration and uneas iness in communities because it represents a reminder of the past. This article notes: â€Å"The overwhelming majority of rappers are African Americans and most white people would be surprised to find the hated word ‘nigger’ used so freely. However, words that might be inappropriate for outsiders to use are commonly employed by those within a group. So too with

Friday, November 1, 2019

The analysis of the lecture about Human Rights and The Expirence of Essay

The analysis of the lecture about Human Rights and The Expirence of exile - Essay Example In particular, the Iraq Jews are an example of how human rights violation can be rampant in a political system that is not just. The presence of Jews in Islamic world can be traced back in the days of Abraham, Sarah, Rachel, Jacob, David, and Solomon. The Jews and Christians in Iraq were treated as second-class citizens because of their religious affiliation. This shows high level of religious discrimination that was experienced by these citizens who are not actually Muslims. The Jews in Iraq because of their religion were subjected to limited economic opportunities. This cuts across in all sectors of economy and even property ownership. Genocide of Jews in Germany during the Second World War is only but just an example of religious persecution. In the human scriptures though there is no exact word human rights but that does not imply that they do not advocate for equality. For instance, in Exodus and Deuteronomy the laws advocate for slave justice and equality. These scriptures try to caution that everyone is equal. The law of equality is written in every human being’s heart. This means that it should be a natural thing for a person to treat the other with equality regardless of religious affiliation. In any social set up there should be guidelines or provision that should guard or protect the right to any religion. Countries should embrace many religions to avoid religious conflict experienced in most North Africa states in the recent past. The constitution should be in the forefront to promote democracy in all aspect of life. If this is well captured in the constitution then let be assured that the society will be peaceful. Religious discrimination can lead to exemption of basic economic rights. For instance, the Jews living in Iraq, their accounts were frozen. Their schools were closed down and their property seized. This is just a demonstration of how bad the condition can get in a society that does not embrace